Creative Juice Zen 4
But as they say, artists are not born out of school or institution or university. Artists are born out of ordinary life, ordinary people, who dirtied their hands and legs in the puddles during the monsoon or who greased their hands n shirts while working in a factory.
Creative Juice Zen 3
Everyone has creative juice within us! I know, it sounds a bit too cheesy when I say like this, for some of you may even say that “Aishwarya, that I can’t even draw a straight line or even a proper a circle or even understand the difference between two colors of the same Blue?” - I know, this is something that my dad often tells me - whenever I talk to him about any color of his shirt or talk about the new stationers I purchased. Some of you may even say that they have no past experience in art or any form of creativity. So how's it even possible to find that unique spirit?
Creative Juice Zen 2
This pandemic year 2020 has taught us so much. We not only planned, on the ration of groceries and household items, but it even brought notice on the many items we keep buying and stock our shelves throughout the year, that are not going to be of any use until we step outside our home.
Each Tangle Pattern explored in different ways.