What is a Zentangle® Method
The Founders have explained Zentangle as “an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and
fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns”.
Let us understand the explanation of the definition:
Zentangle is an easy-to-learn art form
One can never go wrong with Zentangle. Because the patterns that we call as tangles are nothing but a comprehensive of elemental strokes as “ICSO”. From the very first stroke, you can create beautiful art just as effortlessly as writing your name on a piece of paper.
The duo founders Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts of Zentangle often talk about “how there can be no mistake in Zentangle”. Thus in the very first class, students show such openness and keenness to play with this art form. Zentangle is an easy-to-learn artform. With just simple tools such as pen and pencil, you can create your first Zentangle artwork.
Zentangle is relaxing
Zentangle Method at the core focuses only on the process and not the outcome. The method is to create inner gates of creativity so you can create beautiful art in a more relaxed manner; leaving you feeling good without the long learning curve. To achieve this creative flow, Zentangle tackles the common mental blocks such as:
fear of failure
lack of immediate positive feedback(can otherwise be called as instant gratification)
worrying about the outcomes
frustration with lengthy training, etc
When you follow the 8 Steps of the Zentangle Method (that we will see in the later portion of the notes section) to create your art, just on a simple piece of paper, you will find in no time, absorbed into creativity; leaving all regrets, pains, fears, self-criticism away and become fully relaxed and happy with what is happening within and outside you. Zentangle Method enables you to immediately shift your focus. Any unwanted burden or “the spell” that was holding you; simply starts melting away.
Zentangle is a way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns…
Zentangle Method works by using predefined tangles. Tangles are patterns deconstructed using elemental strokes. Creating art by repeating simple strokes in a structured way inspires creativity
You can look into the Zentangle Method as:
an art form
a life skill
a tool
a perspective
Zentangle is an unplanned art form - that intrigues the artists and the viewers to enjoy the process of creating art. The best of the creative process happens when we are in a flow state; and with Zentangle Method, this flow state is easily achievable. And also let us go ahead and mention that such an art form is available to everyone. In a time of accelerating technology, Zentangle offers an accessible comfort of simple yet timeless creativity.
Zentangle also teaches us an important life skill in this fast pace, tech-driven world. A life skill that enables anyone to easily access their intuition and develop their creative skills. It also puts you into a relaxed mode; no matter where you are, and what is happening around you.
Zentangle as a tool:
Zentangle as a tool helps you:
to increase focus and creativity
relieve stress and anxiety
inspire new ideas and beautiful creations
support healthy group dynamics
allow you to deliberately shift your thoughts without trying much
The minimalistic tools and materials such as a pencil, a black pen, and a white 3.5-inch paper square, which we call a tile inspire you to dig into creativity with gentle boundaries and limited options.
I am personally fascinated when Zentangle calls this as Elegance of Limits, a beautiful philosophy on how to find creativity with restricted tools and materials; and it could be one of the deciding factor for spontaneity and imaginativeness to flood your brain gates!
Want to join the next Beginner’s
Zentangle Batch? Click Here
Do you know Zentangle is Ceremonial?
In my childhood, I have often watched my mother and granny completing a ceremony as kolam or rangoli (a hand-drawn design drawn using rice-flour or different sand colours in India), right on the entrance of our home, before starting their day…Likewise, I had a ceremony of my own, I would dress up for school; and would go on to our terrace, to watch the first sunrise, before my school bus arrive!
Our lives whether we decide or not, are circled around little ceremonies; that give us some peace of mind; relaxation and without this little ritual, we probably would not have a happy day.
Unfortunately, these days, because of mobile and other tech support devices, we have fallen off the grid from our happy “little ceremonies”. Instead of listening to the chirpings of the birds, the rise of sunrise, or humming along with the prayerful chants that buzz at our neighbor’s apartment, we jump ahead to just start the day.
What if I say, that you now have an opportunity to have a ceremonious 15 minutes of Zentangle just by following 8 Steps of the Zentangle Method?
It magically works like mediation.
The 8 Steps of the Zentangle Method
Gratitude and Appreciation
Corner Dots
Initial and Sign