Tangle Hoopla-Glee
Join Me this Thursday 1st July 2021 , 4pm India Time- on Instagram Live to draw this Tangle Along with Me!
Hoopla Glee
This was the first tangle pattern I created in mid of 2016. I still remember the moment of its creation as I got this tangle idea in a vision, in my sleep, when I was in a trance state (half asleep and half awake). Even many of my later patterns were also born out of such an experience.
I did not know what name I should keep for this tangle pattern. So I showed it to another good tangler friend - Dr. Shazzia, who deconstructed many interesting tangle patterns and contributed to the Zentangle World.
Her Instagram Handle is zen.n.tangle.
She remarked that this tangle loops like a hula-hoop.
So now that the name was decided - Hoopla - I was overwhelmed with feelings, felt like a kid; accomplishing something in this Zentangle World.
After many years, felt rewarded with something.
Was also remembering the last time I felt so emotional; was when my kid was just born and brought to me. After a few years, life took a toll on me, moving cities/homes, away from friends and trusted neighbors. Always readily available to do many chores in a day; so much that, I would ignore all mental and body pains that arouse. I was and still am a people-pleaser; just that now I now respond to my priorities first and have somewhat learned to draw boundaries.
So because I could not curtail my smile, I named the Tangle HooplaGlee
Below is the completed artwork using the Tangle HooplaGlee, using the Tranzending Technique.
(Tranzending Technique is an advanced Zentangle Technique taught by the Founders of Zentangle(R) Maria Thomas and RickRoberts. I teach this technique in my private and group class)
If you are interested, write to me here
Tangle Hoopla Glee Step-Outs
Few more examples of HooplaGlee Tangle
If you have enjoyed creating Zentangle Art, using this Tangle Pattern, feel free to tag me @tangleandinspire on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK
Also feel free to connect me at Instagram. You are free to comment, ask questions anything related to this Zentangle Artform, and I will be happy to help you!
Funny Facts:
I had shown this tangle pattern to my friend Dr. Shazzia, and asked her, how does this tangle look like, she said, it looked almost like “hula-hoop”, with a girl dancing within a ring…. I had to agree so - funnily, whenever I see this tanglepattern, I remember my mother’s handtowel ring near the handwash - LOLZ….. so funny isn’t it!?! So, since it brought this image again and again in my mind and I couldn’t stop smiling - I named it as Hoopla-Glee (Glee for happiness).
Here I show a small tutorial on how to draw Tangle Hoopla-Glee with an interesting variation.
Here is one of my old and first artwork using this tangle pattern. It feels weird to look into the beginning of our art journey, but I have asked my inner critic to be silent and just enjoy and relish this long practice of art. :)
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Love you my tangler/readers.